Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Welcome to a brief explanation of
the "Mass" (or the "Eucharist" ). This
is a short but in depth look at the
largely unknown treasure of the
Roman Catholic Mass. The Mass is
described as the most powerful prayer on earth. That is because it is
the Prayer and Sacrifice of Jesus
Christ the "Lamb of God" on Mount
Calvary nearly two thousand years
ago. His sacrifice is made present on
the altar under the appearance of "Bread and Wine". At the end of
Mass we can receive Jesus raised
from the dead into
our souls.the Lamb of God on the 21
st of August 1879 with St Joseph,
Our Lady, St John the Evangelist and a multitude of Angels. The Mass our
Treasure and the Lamb's Sacrifice
and Supper Adam and Eve Eve stole
God's fruit from the tree and gave it
to Adam to eat and so helped cause
the "Fall" of mankind,. But in the "Redemption" the New Adam Jesus
sacrifices ( offers back to the
Father ) the Divine Fruit ( Himself )
on the Tree of the Cross at Calvary
and in the Mass Jesus the New Adam
and the Divine Fruit gives Himself to the Church which is the New Eve for
her to Eat. At His Last Supper Jesus
first gave Himself to the Church and
on the following morning He was
put on the Tree of the Cross. At the
foot of the Tree of the Cross Mary the human New Eve offered the
Sacrifice of Jesus the New Adam to
God for the sins of mankind. Jesus in
the Mass gave His one Sacrifice to
the Church the Mystical New Eve for
her to offer back to the Father through time until the End of time.
Beneath the Tree of the Cross Mary
offered the sacrifice of Jesus to God
and the Church also offers His
sacrifice on Calvary to God in the
Sacrifice of the Mass. The most powerful prayer for Mercy
on earth and in Heaven. Mass is the
most powerful prayer we can make.
We can pray to God at any time and
anywhere but at Mass we
can pray to God, with God and in God dying on the cross at Calvary
nearly 2,000 years ago. At the
of Mass God makes Good Friday
present on the altar. At Mass we can
offer the sufferings and Sacrifice of Jesus who is the "Lamb Of God" to
God the Father in atonement for the
Sins of the World. Later on then in
the Mass we can also receive Jesus
risen from the dead really present
in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. ("Sacrifices go up,
Sacraments come down" Fr Joseph
Moran) At "Mass" we enter Heaven
with Jesus in the presence of all the
Angels and Saints as He offered
Himself to the Father on Good Friday 2,000 years ago. Briefly let us
look at the main stages of the Mass.
Repentance We first repent of our
sins. At the start of Mass we repent
of all our sins by praying the
Confiteor, "I confess" or similar prayers. (Mortal or Grave sins
(These are very serious deadly sins.)
need the "Sacrament of Confession"
and the lesser "venial" sins are
forgiven by sincere prayer.) Word
of God Then we hear the "Word of God" in the Scripture Readings
which nourishes us and the priest
explains them in his Homily. Jesus is
really present speaking to us in His
word. Offertory Soon after this
follows the Offertory where we can offer ourselves and all mankind (the
living, the dying and the souls in
Purgatory) in union with the bread
and wine being offered by the priest
to God. The drop of water the priest
adds to the chalice is a symbol of our offering of ourselves and all
Mankind. The Holy Spirit will soon at
the "Consecration" change the bread
and wine into the real Body and
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus
Christ the victim of Calvary. Consecration After the "Offertory"
follows the Consecration which
means: to make Holy. So at the
"Offertory" we offered ourselves to
God and now we can unite our self-
offering to the self- offering of Jesus at Calvary on Good Friday. We pray
that the Holy Spirit will change our
hearts and the hearts of all those we
are offering into better members of
the Mystical Body of Christ.
Jesus through the words of the priest sends the Holy Spirit down to
make the bread and wine into His
Sacrifice of Himself. At the Last
Supper Jesus totally
offered Himself and His passion to
the Father and now the Consecration makes His Self-offering
present. (St Faustina in her diary
(No 684) recounts how she saw
Jesus at the Last Supper at the
moment He cosecrated the bread
and wine and she could see His total offering of Himself). Usually the
Altar Server rings the bell to help us
to focus on this Great Miracle and
usually all present kneel down. The
Body and Blood of Jesus are now in
the two separate vessels (Ciborioum and Chalice) on the Altar signifying
for us the way that the Blood of
Jesus separated from his Flesh as He
bled and died on the cross. The Holy
Spirit can help change our hearts
and everyone that we offer at this time. This can be a time of great
mercy for the world. We can unite
our daily good deeds and sufferings
now with Jesus on the cross to give
them more value and power before
the throne of God. Elijah's great miracle on Mount Carmel (See 1
Kings 18;17-38) where the Fire from
Heaven consumed the offering was
a symbol of this part of the Mass.
Our Father After we say what is
called the great "Amen" in reply to the Priest's "Through Him, With Him
and in Him" prayer we then say the
"Our Father" to sum up all our
petitions. We should try to
remember that we are saying it in
the presence of Heaven. At the Last Supper Jesus probably said the "Our
Father" with His Apostles. Jesus by
His Passion, Death and Resurrection
Lived and fulfilled each of the seven
petitions of the "Our Father". He
obtained for us this privilege of calling God "Our Father". The
Passion of Jesus was the Greatest
Prayer He taught His followers. In
His Passion Jesus "Hallowed" the
Name of His Father. In His Passion
He started the coming of the Father's "Kingdom" (which is also
His Church). He showed us how to
do the "will" of God as it is done in
Heaven. Through His Passion, death
and Ressurection Jesus who is
Himself the "Bread of Life" made Himself present in "Holy
Communion" as the "daily Bread" of
His followers. By His Passion He
obtained "Forgiveness for our
Tresspasses" and the graces we
need to be freed from "Temptation" and "Delivered from evil". At the
Mass we are present as Jesus
perfectly fulfilled the "Our Father"
for us. The Sign of Peace The Priest
may now ask us to offer the "Sign of
Peace" to those near us but more especially we should offer it in our
heart to anyone in our lives we
have not forgiven or do not like.
"Take and Eat" The first Adam was
told not to take and eat God's fruit
from the tree but now Jesus the God-Man as the New Adam gives
mankind Himself because He is
Divine Fruit from the Cross. The first
Adam must have told Eve not to eat
the fruit from the tree ( She was not
created when God told Adam not to eat from the tree ) but now the New
Adam tells the Church which is the
New Eve to "Take and Eat"
the New Fruit which we call Holy
Commuinion. The Resurrection Then
after we say the "Lamb of God" prayers the Priest adds a fragment
of the "Host" (Christ's Body) to the
chalice of His Precious Blood. This
action signifies the Resurrection of
Jesus and shows us that Jesus is
present "risen" from the dead in the Host and the Chalice. We can now
receive Jesus "risen from the dead"
into our hearts in Holy Communion.
St Paul in 1 Cor11: 27-29 seems to
have believed in this real presence
of Jesus in Holy Communion because he said "the person who eats and
drinks without recognising the Body
is eating and drinking his own
condemnation." Mission At the end
of Mass we are sent on a mission "to
love and serve the Lord". One of the best ways to do this is to love and
serve the Lord in our neighbours.
We can imitate Mary who after she
had received Jesus at the
"Annunciation" brought Him to visit
her cousin Elizabeth. The word "Mass" comes from the Latin word
"Missa" which means sent as we are
now "sent" on mission at the end of
Mass. It is good to spend some time
thanking the Holy Trinity for their
goodness to us. Prayers we can say during the
Consecration. Jesus taught these
prayers to St Faustina for the Divine
Mercy Chaplet which is said on
Rosary Beads. "Eternal Father we
offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of your dearly Beloved
Son our Lord Jesus Christ in
atonement for our sins and those of
the whole world." "For the sake of
His sorrowful passion, have mercy
on us and on the whole world."


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