Thursday, 20 September 2012


Martyr Saints

The history of the Church is full of many Martyred Catholic saints, who received recognition for great deeds or meritorious conduct. Many lost their lives in defense of the faith, while others were themselves the mothers of important saints. Many were also honored for their contributions to the Church and their community.
More information on Martyr's
St. Abadiu
St. Abakuh
St. Abamon (Apa Pamun)
St. Abundius
St. Acepsius
St. Adrio
St. Afra
Bl. Agnes Takea
Bl. Agnes Tsao-Kouy
St. Agricola
St. Alban
St. Alexander
St. Alexander
Bl. Alexander of Lugo
Bl. Alexius Nakamura
St. Alphege
Bl. Alphonsus de Mena
St. Altinus
Bl. Ambrose Fernandez
St. Ambrose Kibuka
St. Anatole Kiriggwajjo
St. Andrew Wouters
Bl. Angelus Orsucci
St. Anicetus
St. Anthimus
Bl. Anthony
St. Anthony Daniel
Bl. Anthony Fantosat
Bl. Anthony Kiun
Bl. Anthony of Korea
Bl. Anthony of St. Bonaventure
Bl. Anthony of Tuy
St. Anthony Peter Dich
Bl. Anthony Turner
St. Anysia
St. Aphrodisius
St. Apollinaris Franco
St. Apollonius
St. Appian
St. Arcontius
St. Argymirus
St. Ariadne
St. Arialdus
St. Arilda
St. Artemas
St. Athanasius Badzekuketta
St. Atticus
St. Augulus
St. Augustine of Huy
Bl. Augustine Ota
St. Augustus Chapdelaine
St. Aurea
St. Avitus
St. Barbasymas
St. Barlaam
St. Bartholomew Alvarez
Bl. Bartholomew Gutierrez
Bl. Bartholomew Sheki
St. Barypsabas
St. Basileus
St. Basilides
St. Bebnuda (Paphnutius)
St. Belina
St. Bellinus
St. Benedict of Szkalka
St. Benignus
St. Benignus
St. Beocca
St. Bernard Due
St. Bieuzy
St. Bonaventure of Miako
St. Boniface
St. Bruno Seronkuma
St. Callinicus
Bl. Camillus Constanzi
St. Candida
St. Cantidian (Cantidus)
St. Cantidius
St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Carterius
Bl. Carthusian Martyrs
Bl. Caspar Fisogiro
St. Cassian of Imola
St. Catulinus
St. Charalampias
Bl. Charles de Faucauld
St. Charles Lwanga and Companions
St. Cointha
St. Columba of Spain
St. Columba of Sens
St. Cominus
St. Cucuphas
St. Cuthbert Mayne
St. Dalmatius of Pavia
Bl. Damien Yamiki
St. Daniel
St. Devota
Bl. Didacus Carvalho
St. Diomedes
St. Dionysius
St. Dionysius
Bl. Dionysius Fugishima
St. Dionysius Sebuggwao
St. Dioscorides
St. Dioscorus
Dominican Martyrs of Vietnam
St. Dominic Doan Xuyen
St. Dominic Henares
Bl. Dominic Jorjes
Bl. Dominic Nakano
Bl. Dominic Nifaki
Bl. Dominic of the Holy Rosary
St. Dominic Shamada
Bl. Dominic Shibioge
St. Dominic Tuoc
St. Domnio
St. Donatus & Hilarinus
Douai Martyrs
Ebsdorf Martyrs
St. Edistius
St. Edmund the Martyr
St. Edward the Martyr
Bl. Edward Shelley
St. Eleutherius
St. Emerentiana
St. Emilian
Bl. Emmanuel d'Abreu
St. Emmanuel Phung
St. Emmanuel Trieu
St. Eoban
Ephesus Martyrs
St. Epimachus
Era of the Martyrs
St. Etherius
St. Eugenian
St. Eugraphos with Hermogenes Menas, Alexandria Martyrs
St. Eupsychius
St. Eupsychius
St. Eustace
St. Euthalia
St. Euthymius
St. Eutychius
St. Eutychius
St. Eutychius of Alexandria
Bl. Everard Hanse
St. Exuperius
St. Faustus
St. Felicissimus
St. Felix
St. Felix
St. Felix
St. Felix of Seville
St. Felix of Spoleto
St. Felix of Thynissa
Bl. Ferdinand Ayala
St. Fidelis
St. Fingar
First Martyrs of the See of Rome
St. Flavius
St. Flocellus
St. Florentius of Vienne
Martyrs Four Anonymous
Four Crowned Martyrs
St. Frances Bizzocca
Bl. Frances de Capillas
Bl. Franciscan Martyrs of China
Bl. Francis Chakichi
St. Francis de Morales
St. Francis Galvez
St. Francis Gil de Frederich
St. Francis Isidore Gagelin
St. Francis Jaccard
Bl. Francis Kuloi
Bl. Francis Kurobiove
Bl. Francis Man
St. Francis of St. Bonaventure
St. Francis of St. Mary
St. Francis of St. Michael
St. Francis Page
Bl. Francis Serrano
Bl. Francis Takea
St. Francis Trung
St. Francis Xavier Can
St. Francis Xavier Mau
St. Fraternus
St. Frugentius
St. Gabinus
St. Gabriel Taurin Dufresse
St. Gabriel Jusuke
St. Gabriel Lalement
Bl. Gabriel of St. Magdalen
St. Gaius Francis
Bl. Gaius of Korea
St. Gaudentia
St. Generosus
Bl. George Gervase
St. Germanicus of Smyrna
St. Gonclaco Garcia
St. Gonzaga Gonza
St. Gordian and Epimachus
St. Gorgias
St. Gundenis
St. Gundisalvus Garcia
St. Gunifort
St. Gyavire
St. Heliconis
Bl. Henry Abbot
St. Hermione
St. Hermogenes with Menas, & Eugraphos, Alexandria Martyrs
St. Hippolytus
St. Hippolytus
St. Hippolytus of Porto
St. Honorius
Bl. Hugh Green
Bl. Hugh More
St. Humphrey Lawrence
Bl. Humphrey Middlemore
St. Hyacinth
St. Hyacinth
St. Hyacinth Castaneda
St. Hyacinth Orfanel
St. Isaac of Cordoba
St. Isaurus
St. Ischyrion
Bl. Isabel Fernandez
Bl. James Duckett
St. Jean de Brebeuf
Bl. Jerome de Angelis
Bl. Joachim Firayama Diz
Bl. John Thules and Roger Wrenno
Bl. John Alcober
St. John Baptist Con
Bl. John Baptist Lo
St. John Baptist Machado
St. John Baptist Thanh
Bl. John Beche
St. John Boste
Bl. John Carey
St. John Charles Cornay
St. John Dat
BL. John Davy
St. John del Prado
Bl. John Duckett
Bl. John Felton
Bl. John Finch
Bl. John Forest
Bl. John Foyamon
Bl. John-Gabriel Perboyre
Bl. John Haile
St. John Hoan
St. John Houghton
Bl. John Ingram
Bl. John Kinsako
St. John Kokumbuko
Bl. John Lantrua of Triora
St. John-Louis Bonnard
Bl. John Maid
St. John Maria Muzeyi
St. John Mary Mzec
Bl. John Mason
Bl. John Naisen
Bl. John Nangata
Bl. John Nelson
St. John Nepomucene
Bl. John of Cetina
St. John of Cologne
Bl. John of Korea
St. John of Osterwick
Bl. John of Rochester
St. John Rigby
Bl. John Robinson
Bl. John Shoun
Bl. John Slade
St. John Soan de Goto
Bl. John Storey
Bl. John Tanaka
Bl. John Thorne
St. John Yano
St. Joseph Canh
Bl. Joseph Fernandez
St. Joseph Hien
St. Joseph Khang
Bl. Josephine Leroux
St. Joseph Marchand
St. Joseph Nghi
St. Joseph Nien Vien
St. Joseph of Persia
St. Joseph of St. Hyacinth
St. Joseph Peter Uyen
St. Joseph Thi
Bl. Joseph Tshang
Bl. Joseph Tshang-ta-Pong
Bl. Joseph Yuen
St. Jucundian
St. Julia
St. Julian
St. Julian of Caesarea
St. Julian of Egypt
St. Julian of Lyons
St. Julian of Sora
St. Julia of Merida
St. Julia of Troyes
St. Julius
St. Just
St. Justin
St. Justin Martyr
St. Juthware
St. Juventius
St. Kennera
St. Kizito
St. Lambert of Saragossa
St. Laura
Bl. Lawrence Humphrey
St. Lawrence Huong
St. Lawrence Imbert
Bl. Lawrence Jamada
St. Lawrence - Martyr
Bl. Lawrence PeMan
Bl. Lawrence Richardson
Bl. Lawrence Rokuyemon
St. Lorenzo Ruiz
Bl. Lawrence Shizu
St. Leo & Juliana
St. Leocadia
St. Leocrita
St. Leo Karasuma
Bl. Leo Kombiogi
Bl. Leo Nakanishi
St. Leonard Kimura
St. Leo Satsuma
Bl. Leo Suchiemon
St. Leo Tanaka
St. Longinus
Bl. Louis Baba
Bl. Louis Bertran
Bl. Louis Flores
St. Louis Ibachi
Bl. Louis Kawara
Bl. Louis Maki
Bl. Louis Naisen
St. Louis of Omura
Bl. Louis Sasanda
Bl. Louis Shakichi
Bl. Louis Someyon
Bl. Louis Sotelo
St. Lucretia
Bl. Lucy
Bl. Lucy Chakichi
Bl. Lucy de Freitas
St. Luke Banabakiutu
St. Luke Kiemon
St. Luke Loan
St. Luxorius
St. Lybe
St. Lycarion
St. Macarius
St. Macra
St. Maharsapor
St. Mamelta
Bl. Mancius Araki
Bl. Mancius of St. Thomas
Bl. Mancius of the Holy Cross
Bl. Mancius Shisisoiemon
St. Mansuetus
St. Mappalicus
Sts. Marcellinus and Peter
St. Marcian
St. Marciana of Mauretania
St. Marciana
St. Mardonius
St. Marko Krizin
St. Margaret of Antioch
Bl. Margaret Pole
St. Marianus
St. Marie Magdalen Desjardin
St. Marina
St. Marinus
St. Mark
St. Mark
Bl. Mark Barkworth
St. Martha
St. Martha Wang
St. Martina of Rome
Bl. Martin
Bl. Martin Gomez
St. Martin Loynaz of the Ascension
Martyrologium Carthaginiense
Martyrology of Tallaght
Martyrs of Alexandria
Martyrs of Amorion
Martyrs of the Serapeum
Martyrs Under the Lombards
Martyrs of the Carthusian Order
Martyrs of the Dominican Order in Vietnam
Martyrs of Africa
Martyrs of Alexandria
Martyrs of Antioch
Martyrs of Arabia
Martyrs of Ararat
Martyrs of Armenia
Martyrs of Bulgaria
Martyrs of Campania
Martyrs of Cappadocia
Martyrs of Cardena
Martyrs of Chalcedon
Martyrs of China
Martyrs of Constantinople
Martyrs of Corfu
Martyrs of Crete
Martyrs of Croyland
Martyrs of Damascus
Martyrs of Douai
Martyrs of Ebsdorf
Martyrs of Egypt
Martyrs of England
Forty Martyrs of England & Wales
Martyrs of Ephesus
Martyrs of Gorkum
Martyrs of Japan
Martyrs of Korea
Martyrs of Laval
Martyrs of Lesbos
Martyrs of London
Martyrs of Lyons
Martyrs of Mesopotamia
Martyrs of Mount Sinai
Martyrs of Nagran
Martyrs of Nicomedia
Martyrs of Orange
Martyrs of Palestine
Martyrs of Pannonia
Martyrs of Paraguay
Martyrs of Persia
Martyrs of Raithu
Martyrs of Rome
First Martyrs of Rome
Martyrs of Samosata
Martyrs of Saragossa
Martyrs of Scillitan
Martyrs of September
Martyrs of Sirmium
Martyrs of Syria
Martyrs of Tarsus
Martyrs of the Abrahamites
Martyrs of Thrace
Martyrs of Toulouse
Martyrs of Trier
Martyrs of Tyre
Martyrs of Uganda
Martyrs of Valeria
Martyrs of Vietnam
Martyrs of the Theban Legion
Bl. Mary Guengoro
Bl. Mary Magdalen Kiota
Bl. Mary Tanaura
St. Mathias Mulumba
St. Matthew Alonso Leziniana
Bl. Matthew de Eskandely
St. Matthew Phuong
Bl. Matthias Araki
St. Matthias Murumba
Bl. Matthias of Arima
St. Matthias of Meako
St. Maurus
St. Maurus & Companions
Bl. Maurus Scott
St. Mavilus
St. Maxellendis
St. Maximus
St. Maximus
St. Mbaga Tuzinde
St. Melitina
St. Mercurius
Bl. Michael Diaz
Bl. Michael Fimonaya
Bl. Michael Ghebre
St. Michael Ho-Dinh-Hy
Bl. Michael Jamada
Bl. Michael Kinoshi
Bl. Michael Kiraiemon
St. Michael Kozaki
St. Michael My
Bl. Michael Nakashima
Bl. Michael Shumpo
Bl. Michael Takeshita
Bl. Michael Tomaki
Bl. Michael Tozo
Bl. Michael Yamiki
Bl. Miguel Pro
Bl. Miles Gerard
St. Milles
Bl. Monica Naisen
St. Moses
St. Mugagga
St. Mukasa Kiriwawanyu
St. Myrope
St. Natalia of Nicomedia
St. Nemesius
St. Nicholas Pieck
St. Nicholas Poppel
St. Nicholas Tavigli
St. Octavian
St. Orestes
St. Palmatius
St. Panacea
St. Pancratius, martyred
St. Pantalus
St. Paphnutius
Bl. Patrick Salmon
Bl. Paul Navarro
Bl. Paul Sanchiki
Bl. Paul Tcheng
St. Peleusius
St. Peter
St. Peter Chanel
Bl. Peter Lieou
Bl. Peter of the Assumption
St. Philip
St. Plutarch
St. Polycarp of Alexandria
St. Polyeuctus
St. Pompeius of Pavia
St. Pontian
St. Pontius of Cimella
St. Potamioene the Younger
St. Potitus
St. Priscilla
St. Priscus
Bl. Ralph Corby
St. Reparata
St. Richard Gwyn
Bl. Richard of St. Ann
St. Richard Reynolds
Bl. Robert Sutton
St. Robert of Bury
St. Robert Southwell
St. Sabsir Martyrs
St. Sarmata
Bl. Sebastian Newdigate
Bl. Sidney Hodgson
St. Theodemir
St. Theophane Venard
Bl. Thomas Ford
Bl. Thomas Zumarraga
St. Trypbaena
St. Urban
St. Valentine Berrio-Ochoa
St. Venaranda
Bl. Vincent de Cunha
St. Vincent Kaun
St. Vincent Saragossa
Bl. Walter Pierson
St. Warinus
Bl. William Andleby
Bl. William Browne
Bl. William Dean
Bl. William Filby
Bl. William Greenwood
Bl. William Guntei
Bl. William Harcourt
Bl. William Harrington
Bl. William Hart
Bl. William Hartley
Bl. William Howard
Bl. William Ireland
Bl. William Lacey
Bl. William Marsden
Bl. William Richardson
Bl. William Ward
Bl. William Way
St. Wistan
St. Ymar
St. Zoilus

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Daily Readings

Reading 1, First Corinthians 15:1-11
I want to make quite clear to you, brothers, what the message ... Read More
Psalm, Psalms 118:1-2, 16-17, 28
Alleluia! Give thanks to Yahweh for he is good, for his ... Read More
Gospel, Luke 7:36-50
One of the Pharisees invited him to a meal. When he arrived at ... Read More

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September 20 Saint of the Day Sts. Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang, and Companions
September 20: Feastday: September 20 The evangelization of Korea began ... Read More


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History of the Catholic Church

History of the Catholic Church

Catholic doctrine teaches that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ. It interprets the Confession of Peter as acknowledging Christ's designation of Apostle Peter and his successors to be the temporal head of his Church. Thus, it asserts that the Bishop of Rome has the sole legitimate claim to Petrine authority and the primacy due to the Roman Pontiff.[1] The Catholic Church claims legitimacy for its bishops and priests via the doctrine of apostolic succession and authority of the Pope via the unbroken line of popes, claimed as successors to Simon Peter.[2][3][4][5]
In 313, the struggles of the Early Church were lessened by the legalisation of Christianity by the Emperor Constantine I. In 380, Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire by the decree of the Emperor, which would persist until the fall of the Western Empire, and later, with the Eastern Roman Empire, until the Fall of Constantinople. During this time (the period of the Seven Ecumenical Councils) there were considered five primary sees according to Eusebius: Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem and Alexandria, known as the Pentarchy.
After the destruction of the western Roman Empire, the church in the West was a major factor in the preservation of classical civilization, establishing monasteries, and sending missionaries to convert the peoples of northern Europe, as far as Ireland in the north. In the East, the Byzantine Empire preserved Orthodoxy, well after the massive invasions of Islam in the mid-7th century. The invasions of Islam devastated three of the five Patriarchal sees, capturing Jerusalem first, then Alexandria, and then finally in the mid-8th century, Antioch.
The whole period of the next five centuries was dominated by the struggle between Christianity and Islam throughout the Mediterranean Basin. The battles of Poitiers, and Toulouse preserved the Catholic west, even though Rome itself was ravaged in 850, and Constantinople besieged.
In the 11th century, already strained relations between the primarily Greek church in the East, and the Latin church in the West, developed into the East-West Schism, partially due to conflicts over Papal Authority. The fourth crusade, and the sacking of Constantinople by renegade crusaders proved the final breach.
In the 16th century, in response to the Protestant Reformation, the Church engaged in a process of substantial reform and renewal known as the Counter-Reformation.[6] In subsequent centuries, Catholicism spread widely across the world despite experiencing a reduction in its hold on European populations due to the growth of Protestantism and also because of religious scepticism during and after the Enlightenment. The Second Vatican Council in the 1960s introduced the most significant changes to Catholic practices since the Council of Trent three centuries before.
